Police Arrest Young Girl After She Finds 700-Year-Old Coin

Published on November 19, 2019

A Pleasant Memory 

After rediscovering her treasure, Kate kept the coin. For her, it was a reminder of the times that she had spent helping her mother in the garden. She enjoyed looking at the coin and thinking back to the times when she was able to just be a kid and enjoying playing outside with her mother.

It Held Fond Memories

It Held Fond Memories

A Lot of History

When Kate was a girl, she was not able to figure out much about the coin. She liked to imagine when it came from, but she did not have the resources or the interest to find out the actual history of the coin that she had found. After rediscovering the coin, however, she decided that she needed to know who and where the coin came from.

Its A Piece Of History

Its A Piece Of History