These People Seriously Regretted Shopping Online

Published on February 2, 2021

Yeezy Sneakers

Yeezy sneakers by Kanye West took the world of sneakers by storm, with the entire stock being sold out within minutes of being released. The demand was so high that a lot of people bought many pairs in order to resell them at a higher price. This person thought they were getting a great deal on a pair, but what arrived instead was just a sad, slippers version.

Yeezy Sneakers

Yeezy Sneakers

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is a fun gadget that has many features that are fun to use. A lot of people like to track their running distance with it, while others use it to stay on top of messages while on the go. Of course, they are very expensive, so if you see an “i watch” for sale at a much lower price, you should expect something like the watch on the right to arrive instead of an actual Apple Watch.

Apple Watch

Apple Watch