The Strongest Little Boy – All Grown Up Now

Published on November 17, 2019

Small but Mighty 

During an interview, Lena shared how, at the tender age of 3 years, Richard began lifting her husband’s weights. His strength was extraordinary for someone his age. By the time he was 4-years old, he was lifting the barbells of his father. To not overexert nor injure himself, Lena started him off on something lighter. Both Sandraks wanted to foster Richard’s interest in fitness, so they bought him small-sized gym equipment. This allowed him to work out with the appropriately sized equipment.

Small, But Mighty

Small, But Mighty

A Father’s Son

Much of Richard’s time in the limelight was scrutinized by media – many felt his father Pavel was pushing the young boy too hard. Not only did reporters feel as though Pavel pushed Richard too hard but they wondered if there was neglect if not abuse. Some speculation lead reporters to wonder if Pavel as feeding his son steroids – which would explain the young child’s extraordinary body and strength.

At A Photoshoot

At A Photoshoot