Rick Ross
Some people lose weight because of their health, but for Rick Ross, this went even further. In 2011, Ross suffered two different seizures in a single day, and it was a huge wake up call for him. It was so life-changing, in fact, that Ross knew that he had to lose some weight. So, he put his mind to it, and before we knew it, he had dropped a whopping 75 pounds. How did he do it? He just changed his diet, and everything else fell right into place.
Russell Crowe
Throughout this career, Russell Crowe has played in some pretty famous films, including Gladiator, which showed off his athletic prowess. However, over the years, Crowe started to gain weight, and eventually, he realized that he had packed on the pounds. So, he started getting more active and began hiking and cycling, and that helped him lose an amazing 55 pounds. We are happy that he put more focus on his health and happiness, and hope he continues.