These Commuters Make Public Transportation Entertaining

Published on November 3, 2019

Camouflage Commitment

This commuter may look like he’s in a Halloween costume or is a real-life swamp monster, but that is not exactly the case. His raggedy looking suit is actually called a ghillie suit, used by snipers in the army. This sniper-in-training had to learn to wear and properly use the suit, even if it meant donning it for the commute to work. Snipers need to get to work, too! This trainee definitely decided to stay very committed to his work.

Army Cadet Spooks Commuters On The Subway

Army Cadet Spooks Commuters On The Subway

Privacy on the Subway

Have you ever thought that maybe Smart Cars were just a tad too small? This man has clearly decided to make the absolute most of his tiny vehicle by actually driving it directly on to the subway. This decision certainly attracted some looks and was likely not allowed, but the driver seems unbothered, relaxing in his vehicle. In there, he is safe from all the other strange people on the subway system. Not to mention, he can crank up his air conditioning and listen to his choice of music.

Man Fits His Entire Car Onto The Subway

Man Fits His Entire Car Onto The Subway